Serving All of Nova Scotia & New Brunswick
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Preszler Law

What is the Minor Injury Cap in Nova Scotia?

In Nova Scotia, the law (the Nova Scotia Insurance Act) limits an injured victim’s ability to receive compensation related to pain and suffering that is considered to be a “minor injury” to $8,768* as of 2019 (*indexed to inflation each year; starting at $7,500 in 2010)

How Injury Lawyers Assist in Dog Bite Cases

Dog bites can result in serious injuries. At the very least, they will result in a trip to the hospital. You may need shots to clear up potential infections and you will likely have to live with at least some discomfort for a period of time. In some cases, you end up missing time from work because you cannot do your job while you are recovering. People can also sometimes die from dog attacks.

Boating Laws and Safety in Nova Scotia

In all accidents there is an obligation on the plaintiff or injured party to show that they did all that was reasonable in the circumstances to ensure they hold no fault for the accident and subsequent injuries.

Can I Still File a Claim if I am Partially at Fault for My Accident or Injuries?

Were you partially at fault in a motor vehicle collision? Movies and TV have made the general public believe that trials involve asking whether someone is responsible for an injury or an accident, and then asking how much damage was caused. But in real life, injury trials can be much more complex than just two … Continue reading “Can I Still File a Claim if I am Partially at Fault for My Accident or Injuries?”

How Compensation Works for Victims of Sexual Assault

In all accidents there is an obligation on the plaintiff or injured party to show that they did all that was reasonable in the circumstances to ensure they hold no fault for the accident and subsequent injuries.

Motorcycle Safety and Legal Tips

In all accidents there is an obligation on the plaintiff or injured party to show that they did all that was reasonable in the circumstances to ensure they hold no fault for the accident and subsequent injuries.

Walking and talking on your cell phone

In all accidents there is an obligation on the plaintiff or injured party to show that they did all that was reasonable in the circumstances to ensure they hold no fault for the accident and subsequent injuries.


Our phones are open 24/7 so call us anytime.

You can also fill out our online form to book a free call.


99 Wyse Road Suite 1300
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3A 1M2
Fax: 1-855-364-7027
Toll Free: 1-833-405-8282
5670 Spring Garden Road Suite 701
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1H6
Fax: 902-405-8254
Toll Free: 1-833-405-8282
688 Babin St. Unit 4
Dieppe, New Brunswick E1A 5M1
Fax: 902-405-8254
Toll Free: 1-833-405-8282
*These are consultation offices that require a booked meeting in advance. Walk-ins are not allowed.

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